…berlin fashion week_winter 13_14_trend impressions_part 1

rlin: thanks mbfweek, BBB, premium, panorama, capsule, seek, gallery, green showroom at adlon, bright…..that was a massive season: fantastic new brands, great collections, great locations….. berlin has shown one more time: a magnet for top buyers. happy that asian and japanese buyers nearly doubled. one thing is sure: don`t be afraid of colour ! all buyers are looking for new directions and explained that the,
bread and butter january 2013 , premium 2013, panorama fair berlin,

…stylvision lounge

promostyl stylvision lounge at the bread and butter berlin 2005 interior conception and organisation of the promostyl stylvisionlounge at bread and butter berlin – showcase for trend information and videoscreening of the stylvision trend movies