…clouds of flavors_inhale drinks_the fashion diet

the scientist david edwards has invented an inspiring carafe to inhale a zero-calorie culinary experience ..looks like smelling wine. with the specially designed straw it`s possible to inhale food or drinks  guilt-free………as some of you have followed the trend forecast for the hds, you remember the space fiction trend theme…..: here is a highly interesting update.“imagine a cloud of flavor wafting up from a glass bowl, resembling something between a surprising carafe and a mysterious globe. you delicately inhale the cloud. “

see the clip abaout „le whaf“  here: http://vimeo.com/37063514

invented by david edwards, scientist, writer and founder of le laboratoire, and designed by the culinary designer marc bretillot, le whaf reveals again the richness of the encounter between art and science. scientists today are exploring the creation of fine respirable aerosols with an aim to de- liver especially large quantities of drugs, like antibiotics, to the body through inhalation. the use of ultrasonic waves, created by piezoelectric crystals (a technology inherent in the workings of le whaf) is a method particularly explored by the new biotechnology startup, pulmatrix.a sensual caress tickles your palate. and you are near to imagining le whaf, the latest innovation of le laboratoire.“

posted: 10_12